Angel Ridge Animal Rescue

A 50-acre farm just north of Washington, PA provides shelter & sanctuary to dogs, cats & horses who need special attention.
Animals at Angel Ridge Animal Rescue are strays, have been surrendered by their owners or arrive from other shelters. Some have been abandoned or mistreated. They may need medical attention. Some have physical disabilities.
“We have always opened our doors to the neediest animals,” Animal Ridge Animal Rescue wrote on their website. About four out of ten of their animals are harder to place. Abused animals at the shelter are referred to as “angels”.
Taking in angels means sheltering, feeding & treating them, which can be expensive. The shelter spends about $25,000 a year on veterinary services & medicine.
Guardian Angels donate money to help cover the costs of treating the animals. The shelter is a 501(c)(3) organization, which means donations are tax-deductible. Non-monetary donations are accepted. Volunteers help with the animals, work in the office or provide landscaping services.
Animal Ridge Animal Rescue is a no-kill animal shelter. No-kill shelters do not kill healthy or treatable animals, even when they’re full. Animals who are terminally ill or a danger to public safety may be euthanized.
The facility includes kennels for dogs, facilities for cats & stables for their horses.
The kennels were spotless, there were toys & beds, & the entire building had no odors. … I have become active as a volunteer since seeing the facility.
Posted to Yelp by Diane T of Houston, PA
Helping people adopt their dogs, cats & horses is important to a no-kill shelter. Pets available to be adopted are listed at Petfinder & on the shelter’s Facebook pages.
Adoption starts with a visit to Angel Ridge Animal Rescue. They’re open seven days a week. Scheduling an appointment by email is required. People can bring their current dogs on a leash to see how they may get along. A fee is required to adopt. Paperwork has to be completed. References may be checked.
The shelter injects microchips into their dogs. If a companion animal runs away, a veterinarian or other shelter can scan their microchip. The chip transmits an ID number. The number is matched to its family using a registry. The animal is returned home.
During the coronavirus pandemic of 2020/2021, shelters & rescues were allowed by the PA Department of Agriculture to adopt out pets even during Stay at Home orders.
Angel Ridge Animal Rescue is located in Chartiers Township at 390 Old Hickory Ridge Road, Washington, PA 15301.
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